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Buddhist Service and Karma Control

Podcast Episode 23: Buddhist Service and Karma Control

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number twenty-three. I’m Brian Schell, your host for the show. You can find the text for everything in this show and all past episodes on our website at

Many of this week’s topics sparked some interesting responses which are posted as comments on the website. Remember, there is more to read at the website than just reposts of the daily emails, you can find many insightful comments by readers there as well.

Keep your questions coming in! Send in your questions on Buddhism to or phone them in at 937-660-4949. There’s no question too small or too basic; sometimes the deepest thought goes into the little stuff. You can also post your thoughts about anything we discuss on the website’s blog at

We had an interesting assortment of topics this week, so lets get on with the show!

This Week’s Links

Tao Announcement

Controlling Karma

Book: Buddhist Scriptures, by Edward Conze, Ed.

Dhammapada Chapter 7: The Venerable Arhat

Koan: A Buddha

Buddhist Service Obligations?
Many Comments and input on the topic:

Comments are closed.