The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

Beginner’s Guide

The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns

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Sleepy Legs in Meditation


I’ve started to meditate a lot, but my legs keep falling asleep. Any advice?


There’s no magical solution to this very common problem, but here are a few tips that may help:

1. Stretch before meditation. Basic yoga or a few good stretching exercises can be a big help. Just because you’re sitting on your butt doesn’t . . . → Read More: Sleepy Legs in Meditation

Meditation Part 5: Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation Part 5: Mindfulness Meditation

Where are you right now? What are you doing right now? What’s going on around you right now? Open your mind, open your senses. Be aware. Absorb.

You’ve heard the old saying about blind people, that when someone loses one sense, the others senses get stronger. There’s more to it than . . . → Read More: Meditation Part 5: Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation Part 6: Mantra Meditation

Meditation Part 6: Mantra Meditation

Some people find it easier to meditate by focusing their awareness on a sound. When meditating, they recite or chant some kind of phrase or sound repeatedly, listening to the sound, being aware of how the sound is formed, and concentrating on the sound itself.

Some sects of Buddhism rely heavily on mantra . . . → Read More: Meditation Part 6: Mantra Meditation

Meditation Part 7: Conceptual Meditation

Meditation Part 7: Conceptual Meditation

This is the ‚Äúbig one‚Äù that really confuses people. When you hear things like ‚Äúloving kindness‚Äù meditation, or ‚Äúmeditation on impermanence,‚Äù or even meditation on a koan or physical object, this is the broad category involved. The mind focuses on itself and examines itself as you work through the problem or . . . → Read More: Meditation Part 7: Conceptual Meditation

Book: The Gift of Loving Kindness

Book: The Gift of Loving Kindness
by Mary Brantley and Tesilya Hanauer
Review by Brian Schell,
New Harbinger Publications, 286 Pages, ISBN: 1-57224-562-X
Purchase Link:

I’ve mentioned loving kindness meditation here on the Daily Buddhism quit often in my postings the past few weeks, and it may still not be clear what it’s all about. This book makes it . . . → Read More: Book: The Gift of Loving Kindness


A Reader recently wrote:

What is the buddhist way to overcome fear and anxiety in life? I understand it is by controlling the mind: but the question is what are some of the key techniques used to tame the mind in a more positive way?

My Response:

Meditation will generally lead to a calmer, more thoughtful approach to most . . . → Read More: Fear

Bosses, Children, Abuse and Holidays

Podcast Episode 71:

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number 71 recorded June 27th, 2014. My name is Brian Schell, and I am your host for the show. You can find the text as well as all links mentioned in this . . . → Read More: Bosses, Children, Abuse and Holidays

Judgment, Burning Hearts, Inuits, and Monkey Attacks

Podcast Episode 66:

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number Sixty-Six recorded March 22nd, 2014. My name is Brian Schell, and I am your host for the show.


I’d like to start answering more of your questions, so be sure to ask! . . . → Read More: Judgment, Burning Hearts, Inuits, and Monkey Attacks

Breaking Up, Bad Buddha, and Mushrooms

Podcast Episode 65:

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number Sixty-Five recorded March 14th, 2014. My name is Brian Schell, and I am your host for the show. You can find the text as well as all links mentioned in this . . . → Read More: Breaking Up, Bad Buddha, and Mushrooms