The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Eat Your Vegetables!

Dear Brian, 

I am thinking about converting into Buddhism. To me it just feels right. Although after listening to your introduction about the 5 Precepts, I find it hard to follow the 1st and the 5th. 

I have been to Iraq and fortunately I wasn’t put in a position to take another person’s life. I don’t think that . . . → Read More: Eat Your Vegetables!

Reality TV and the Fifth Precept

A reader wrote in:

I just got through reading about the five precepts. Whew. There are some tough ideas in there to try to put into practice. If the idea of not watching my favorite reality television show causes me great suffering, shouldn’t I watch it? I say this half-joking. I don’t think that there is anything . . . → Read More: Reality TV and the Fifth Precept

Buddhist Helpers

Buddha Tech Support

Buddhist Helpers

A Reader writes:

Do Buddhist monks work on an individual case-by-case basis with lay Buddhists who seek advise on a specific problem in their lives and then offer a diagnosis and prescription in, of course, Buddhist terms? Or are the 4 noble truths, 8 fold path, 5 precepts, etc., always to be generically . . . → Read More: Buddhist Helpers

Local Buddhist Groups & Sangha

A Reader Wrote:

Over the last week or so, I’ve been listening to the Daily Buddhism podcase.  I started with 0, and now I’ve made it to 23.  The Four Noble Truths, 8-fold Path and 5-Precepts helped me tremendously to determine what is basic.

This morning, I reached out to a local Buddhist community . . . → Read More: Local Buddhist Groups & Sangha

Thich Nhat Hanh: On Birth and Death

Yesterday we talked briefly about Bardo, which is a Tibetan concept and involves the afterlife.

I tend to lean more toward the Zen methods, and easily the most famous, most well-respected Zen teacher today is Thich Nhat Hanh. We’ve discussed him here before many times, most notably back when I introduced the Five Precepts. He’s a great . . . → Read More: Thich Nhat Hanh: On Birth and Death

Converting to Buddhism

A reader writes:

What would it take to convert over to Buddhism?

My Response:

We’ve talked about this a number of times before, but it keeps coming up, so at the very least, that means there a lot of wanna-be new Buddhists out there. That’s a good thing!

Although there are some traditions or denominations of Buddhism that . . . → Read More: Converting to Buddhism

Book: The Five-Minute Buddhist by Brian Schell


The Five-Minute Buddhist
by Brian Schell

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A jargon-free, plain language introduction to the foundational ideas of Buddhism and real-world tips for practicing Buddhism while balancing life in the real, modern world. This book goes easy on the mystical mumbo-jumbo and simply introduces the ideas that will help you live in . . . → Read More: Book: The Five-Minute Buddhist by Brian Schell

Attachment TO Buddhism


This is a general question… In studying Buddhism, we learn that attachment is undesirable. We learn we need to recognise and remove attachments that we identify we have. Is there a point where we can become too attached to the teachings of Buddhism? i.e. the Four Noble Truths, the Five Precepts, etc? In the end, does . . . → Read More: Attachment TO Buddhism

What Do I Need To Do?


Hello, I am a student, and I grew up in a Extremely Catholic home and have found that I do not agree with the Catholic way of life but more of the Buddhist ideology of Karma. I was wondering if you can give me any guidance as to be more of a Buddhist and a better . . . → Read More: What Do I Need To Do?

Confessions and Guilt


In Catholicism and other sects of Christianity, there is a focus on a confession of sins to others, such as priests or a congregation. Are there similar actions in the various Buddhist sects?


There are many examples of monks and laypeople “confesssing” various things to the original Buddha. One story goes as follows:

A wealthy householder . . . → Read More: Confessions and Guilt