The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Hinduism and Buddhism

Kali, a Hindu god


I was interested in learning the relationship between Hinduism and Buddhism. Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) was originally a Hinduist so it’s only natural for some of that to have bled into his teachings. Some Buddhist teachings actually talk about Hindu gods. There are also the primary concepts of karma and samsara in . . . → Read More: Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddha’s Ghostwriters and Hinduism

A Reader recently wrote:

I wish to know if buddhist philosophy was actually codified by The Budda himself or by some other saint like Nagarjuna later?

The Buddhist philosophy, i think, is actually based on the vedic philosophy in terms of rebirth and salvation defined as coming out the cycle of rebirths but does not follow the vedic . . . → Read More: Buddha’s Ghostwriters and Hinduism