The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns

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Help Support Daily Buddhism

Brian Passes the Begging Bowl before “Black Friday.”

Good morning! I hope you’re enjoying the Daily Buddhism; I know I have a lot of fun writing it. From the letters I get, I know a lot of you are learning from it, and I’m thrilled to be able to help! Not only do I . . . → Read More: Help Support Daily Buddhism

Call In Now!

Call In now!

As I have mentioned a few times over the past week, your continuing donations are going toward improving the show. Although the donations are still a bit short of my goal to cover the voice mail for a year, I have jumped the gun and set it up anyway. It will only . . . → Read More: Call In Now!

Copyrights, Privacy, Etc.

Daily Buddhism Privacy and Copyright Policy

Although there’s never been a problem, my little disclaimer about the call-in number last week got me thinking that I should probably post some official notice about legal rights and whatnot. I’m no lawyer, and I’m not trying to rip off anyone, but this stuff probably needs to be said; . . . → Read More: Copyrights, Privacy, Etc.

Tao Announcement

Tao Rebooted
For those of you who get the Tao of the Day emails, and especially
those of you who don’t, the website is restarting
with a new translation as of today. We just finished the James Legge
translation, and today we begin one by Tao Huang. It’s far less
poetic, but also vastly easier to follow. I think . . . → Read More: Tao Announcement

A Brief Hiatus (Again)

Sigh. It’s time for another break already;I’m going out of town until May 5th.

Just like before, Internet access where I am going is going to be difficult. The daily emails will stop temporarily and so with the podcast. It can’t be avoided, but rest assured, this will most likely be the last extended break for the . . . → Read More: A Brief Hiatus (Again)