The Five-Minute Buddhist

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Rapidfire Questions Basic Buddhist Questions

Here’s an email that I received this morning. I get something similar every few months from someone taking a class somewhere. I’m not quite sure what the point of the assignment is, whether it’s to interview someone or to do actual research (this isn’t it!), but here are my answers.

Please add yours to the comments . . . → Read More: Rapidfire Questions Basic Buddhist Questions

Appropriation and Commercialization of Buddhism in the West

A Reader Writes:

I was wondering what your thoughts are on the increasing ‘appropriation’ of Buddhism in the west.

I’ve been noticing that there are a number of people writing blogs who are accusing people of appropriation if they have, for example, ohm or Buddha tattoos or Buddhist jewelry. As someone who identifies as being Buddhist I am not offended . . . → Read More: Appropriation and Commercialization of Buddhism in the West

Depersonalization and Anatman

A reader asks:

How does the feelings of depersonalization tie in to the Buddhist philosophy?

DP briefly described is the feeling that the world is unreal and that the self is disconnected from this world which seems foreign.

I’m trying to tie it in to the concept that . . . → Read More: Depersonalization and Anatman

Koan: The Gates of Paradise

The Gates of Paradise


Samurai with Sword

A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin and asked: “Is there really a paradise and a hell?”

“Who are you?” inquired Hakuin.

“I am a samurai,” the warrior replied.

“You, a soldier!” exclaimed Hakuin. “What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? Your face looks like that of a beggar.”

Nobushige . . . → Read More: Koan: The Gates of Paradise

Should Buddhists have Children?

A reader asks :

Can you please explain the Buddha’s teaching on the concept of having children? Whether it is true by the 4 noble truths if you want stop suffering you have to find the cause and stop the causing. So the suffering related to children and raising them and leaving them when you die can . . . → Read More: Should Buddhists have Children?

Bardo: Purgatory for Buddhists

A Reader writes:

I am 17 years old. I have been alone for the last few months, doing a lot of thinking. I am realizing that I am very different from all of the people around me, and that after I have finished my school I would like to leave western society and practice spirituality. . . . → Read More: Bardo: Purgatory for Buddhists

Koan: My Heart Burns Like Fire

My Heart Burns Like Fire

Soyen Shaku, the first Zen teacher to come to America, said: “My heart burns like fire but my eyes are as cold as dead ashes.” He made the following rules which he practiced every day of his life.

In the morning before dressing, light incense and meditate.
Retire at a regular hour. Partake of . . . → Read More: Koan: My Heart Burns Like Fire

Can Anyone Be a Buddhist?

A reader writes:

Is it possible for literally anyone to be a Buddhist?  Anyone from an Inuit to a Rain Forest Tribesman?

My response:


There are some belief systems out there, such as Judaism, that have a heavily ethnic membership (Jews as an “ethnicity” as opposed to Jewish belief), so I do understand the question. Although many people stereotypically think . . . → Read More: Can Anyone Be a Buddhist?

Interview With the Dalai Lama

This isn’t terribly recent, but I only just came across it. It’s from Piers Morgan’s show last April, but it’s still a very “Enlightening” video. It runs around 43 minutes, so set aside a little time to watch it. I don’t always agree with everything I’ve ever heard the Dalai Lama say, but he’s . . . → Read More: Interview With the Dalai Lama

Buddha Jewelry (And other Icons)

A Reader writes:

To anyone who could give me some information,

I have a book in which the protagonist is given a ring with the head of Buddha, made from gold, and which has rubies for eyes. She has a bad time with people wanting the ring, or just wanting to take it from . . . → Read More: Buddha Jewelry (And other Icons)