The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns

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Legendary Days and Holidays

A Reader writes:

I’m listening to the podcast on Buddhist Christmas, and I just wanted to add one thing. Technically, Christmas is not a Christian holiday. It started in Germany from a saint (Nicholas) who gave out presents to orphans. And if you do scientific research, you can figure out that there is no . . . → Read More: Legendary Days and Holidays

Buddha’s Ghostwriters and Hinduism

A Reader recently wrote:

I wish to know if buddhist philosophy was actually codified by The Budda himself or by some other saint like Nagarjuna later?

The Buddhist philosophy, i think, is actually based on the vedic philosophy in terms of rebirth and salvation defined as coming out the cycle of rebirths but does not follow the vedic . . . → Read More: Buddha’s Ghostwriters and Hinduism