The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns

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Why all the Chanting?

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A caller phoned in a question to the Voicemail Hotline: 937-660-4949:
Can you talk about chanting? It seems that many different sects do it. Why?


Well, you are right in that Buddhism has a lot of chanting, but that’s not really exclusive. If you think about it, just about all religions . . . → Read More: Why all the Chanting?

Chanting and Prayer on Schedule?


Should meditations or chanting be on a daily schedule?…. like the way muslims pray in the morning/evening for example.


Not technically like Muslims, no. Muslims have to pray five times a day at very specific times. Buddhists can meditate or chant at any time, there is no rule about when to do it. Monks . . . → Read More: Chanting and Prayer on Schedule?

Meditation Part 6: Mantra Meditation

Meditation Part 6: Mantra Meditation

Some people find it easier to meditate by focusing their awareness on a sound. When meditating, they recite or chant some kind of phrase or sound repeatedly, listening to the sound, being aware of how the sound is formed, and concentrating on the sound itself.

Some sects of Buddhism rely heavily on mantra . . . → Read More: Meditation Part 6: Mantra Meditation