The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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The Five-Minute Buddhist Returns

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When Meditation Isn’t Enough

A reader writes:

Hello I’m a fellow Buddhist, I do have a temper and stress problem and always have and have tried to work on it. I have suffered from anxiety since young adulthood, but recently after giving birth to my son have been affected with what doctors think is stress induced IBS. It . . . → Read More: When Meditation Isn’t Enough

Bosses, Children, Abuse and Holidays

Podcast Episode 71:

Welcome back, this is Daily Buddhism audio show number 71 recorded June 27th, 2014. My name is Brian Schell, and I am your host for the show. You can find the text as well as all links mentioned in this . . . → Read More: Bosses, Children, Abuse and Holidays