The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Meditation Part 7: Conceptual Meditation

Meditation Part 7: Conceptual Meditation

This is the ‚Äúbig one‚Äù that really confuses people. When you hear things like ‚Äúloving kindness‚Äù meditation, or ‚Äúmeditation on impermanence,‚Äù or even meditation on a koan or physical object, this is the broad category involved. The mind focuses on itself and examines itself as you work through the problem or . . . → Read More: Meditation Part 7: Conceptual Meditation

The Forty Meditation Themes, Part 1

The Forty Meditation Themes, Part 1

Last week, we talked about conceptual, or contemplative, meditation. There are forty meditation themes that have become ‚Äúclassic,‚Äù and we’ll cover those today and tomorrow. There are ten ‚Äúrecollections,‚Äù ten ‚Äúfoul objects,‚Äù ten ‚Äúkasinas‚Äù, four ‚Äúdivine abidings‚Äù, four ‚Äúformless absorptions,‚Äù one ‚Äúresolution into elements,‚Äù and one ‚Äúperception of the . . . → Read More: The Forty Meditation Themes, Part 1