The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Three Marks of Existence

The Three Marks or The Three Basic Facts of Existence

In Buddhism, the Three Marks of Existence are three characteristics shared by all sentient beings, namely impermanence (anicca), suffering or unsatisfactoriness (dukkha), and non-self (anatta).

Annica – Impermanence – Nothing ever stays the same, and change is often painful in some way. You fall in love with your . . . → Read More: Three Marks of Existence

Four Foundations of Mindfulness

Four Foundations of Mindfulness

A Reader recently wrote:

I was recently reading something and the author mentioned the “Four Foundations of Mindfulness.” What are these? The same as the Noble Truths?

My Answer:

No, the four foundations are not the Noble Truths, but they may look familiar to something we’ve seen before.

Theravada Buddhists use an ancient text called the . . . → Read More: Four Foundations of Mindfulness