The Five-Minute Buddhist

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

The Five-Minute Buddhist Meditates

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Violence and the First Precept


I know you’ve been over the Buddhist diet a million times but I have always been perplexed about the justification of not adhering to a vegetarian diet by the many Buddhist lay people in Asia. I personally am not a vegetarian but I hate unanswered questions.

Anyway, I happened to notice that the Wikipedia version (terribly . . . → Read More: Violence and the First Precept

How Can I Desire Enlightenment?


Isn’t trying to reach enlightenment a form of desire? Wouldn’t it therefore contradict the second Noble Truth, and trying to reach it bring suffering?


Just to to refresh everyone’s memories, the second Noble Truth says that, “suffering is caused by attachment to desire.” It is also sometimes expanded to include irrational desire or grasping.

The problem isn’t exactly . . . → Read More: How Can I Desire Enlightenment?

Guest Post: Transformational Practice, by Thomas Hochmann

Today’s guest post is from Thomas Hochmann, a former English teacher and a student of Buddhism since 2002. Today, he will lead us through something called transformational practice. His blog can be found at and you can follow him on Twitter (@hochmann).

Transformational Practice, by Thomas Hochmann

When you think of religion, what comes to mind? . . . → Read More: Guest Post: Transformational Practice, by Thomas Hochmann

Guest Post: Shin Buddhism, by Jeff Wilson

A couple of weeks ago, I put up a guest post discussing Nichiren Buddhism from the point of view of a practitioner of that sect. This week is a similar to that, but this time, our guest will discuss Shin Buddhism.If you would like to write a short essay or article explaining “your” version of Buddhism, . . . → Read More: Guest Post: Shin Buddhism, by Jeff Wilson

Christians and Buddhists


I wonder if you could point me towards any resources that focus on intersections between Christian thought and Buddhist practice? My religion is Christianity and I’m just beginning to explore Buddhist ideas/practices as a philosophy or way of being. Have you anything in your archives that would be helpful?


If you’re looking for a place to . . . → Read More: Christians and Buddhists

Beginners Buddhism Books

Beginner’s Books

Last week I mentioned that sometimes I get two of the same question at the same time. Well it happened again, this time regarding reading material:


Hi, I wanted to know if we are new to Buddhism what reading material would you suggest to start out. Thank you,

and also

I’ve been interested in Buddhism for quite some . . . → Read More: Beginners Buddhism Books

Am I Buddhist Enough?


I’m wondering how much of the Buddhist mythology someone has to follow or believe in order to call themselves a “Buddhist”. For example, I don’t believe in reincarnation or nirvana. However, I think the lifestyle Buddhism promotes leads to a healthy mind, a general sense of wellbeing, and happiness. A lot of what Alan Watts has . . . → Read More: Am I Buddhist Enough?

The Eightfold Path : Basics, Part 4

The Eightfold Path
By Brian Schell

And now, Buddha’s great “cure” to solve the problem of grasping, desire, and attachment, the Noble Eightfold Path:

The Eightfold Path Step 1: Right View

The first two steps on the path, Right View and Right Intention, are often paired together and called the ‚ÄúWisdom‚Äù portion of the path. Right Speech, Action, and . . . → Read More: The Eightfold Path : Basics, Part 4

What Is Buddhism? Basics, part 1


As a young soul interested in entering the path of Buddhism, what is a good way to start? I find it almost overwhelming to just start, I meditate, I practice key points of the dharma and live accordingly. I am told I am thinking too much, but if you could give me a sort of step . . . → Read More: What Is Buddhism? Basics, part 1

Why all the Chanting?

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A caller phoned in a question to the Voicemail Hotline: 937-660-4949:
Can you talk about chanting? It seems that many different sects do it. Why?


Well, you are right in that Buddhism has a lot of chanting, but that’s not really exclusive. If you think about it, just about all religions . . . → Read More: Why all the Chanting?